If you are walking around in a fog, or feeling a little …meh… Or you see to have a case of the Mondays. every single day. That is your Psyche screaming at you that it is time to change your life.

If you imagine yourself waking up every morning feeling energized. Having set clear intentions. Performing at your maximum best, in work, with family and in your workout. If you “wish” you were  living life to the fullest, but reality is not quite up to par. Its time to do some major work. To learn how to change your life, to learn to be different to effect change in yourself and others and every area of your life.

Changing your life starts with identifying your values.

Here is an excellent excerpt from Nicholas Lore’s book  The Pathfinder that will help you pin down your values. To lead a more value based life.

What are core values?

Values are at the heart of everything that you do or don’t do. Your values shape your life. You make decisions on a daily basis as a result of the values you hold. The process starts with your external world where you gather facts. You use these external inputs to formulate thoughts. As your experiences either reinforce or dispel your thoughts they are internalized and manifested as truths. This internalization yields your core values.

Embracing values allows you to live authentically

Authentic living allows you to achieve your goals with greater ease and confidence.When you are in alignment with your core values, you work effortlessly at your purpose. When you are out of alignment everything you do seems to drag you down and depletes you. Have you ever held a job that didn’t fit your core values? If so, you might agree that it is difficult to get out of bed every day. And if you manage to roll out of it, it’s usually on the wrong side. Getting prepared for work is like trudging through molasses. In addition to this, there is that constant state of dread that comes when you anticipate the day before you. What’s even worse, you spend most of your time wishing your life away as you look forward to the weekend – which seem to fly by. The years pile up and yet you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished much. Sure, you’ve punched your ticket, paid the bills and managed the requirements of day-to-day life; but are you living? If you are locked into your core values, things are quite different. You make choices on a daily basis that are in alignment with those values. You work in an environment that energizes you. You interact with people who have similar values. You live life in a manner that attracts more of what resonates with you.

How can you use your core values to transform your life?

As with any change, it begins with making a decision and then taking action. First, identify your core value below:

Advancement: Affluence, Competing, Entrepreneurship, Hard work, Making money, Opportunity, Perseverance, Proving yourself, Recognition, Revolution, Saving/Investing, Winning

Beauty: Appearance, Culture, Dignity, Elegance, Order, Uniqueness

Creativity: Challenge, Inventing, Innovation, Playfulness, Problem solving, Self-expression, Spontaneity, Using talents

Giving: Contribution, Helping, Supporting, Sharing, Mentoring, Nurturing

Goodness: Excellence, Pain avoidance, Quality, Service

Harmony: Fun/Laughter, Healthy, Leisure, Retirement, Safety, Simplicity, Vitality

Joy: Accomplishments, Adventure, Excitement, Feeling good, Fulfillment, Happiness, Reaching for the stars, Satisfaction

Knowledge: Advancement, Enlightenment, Learning, Mastery, Personal development Professional development, Wisdom

Love: Affection, Caring, Children, Commitment, Esteem (others or self), Friendship, Intimacy, Loyalty, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Self-respect, Socializing

Peace: Financial serenity/security, Privacy, Security

Power: Autonomy, Being right, Being the best, Control, Courage, Daring, Empowerment, Freedom, Getting ahead, Independence, Self-control, Strength

Truth: Accountability, Candor, Honesty, Integrity, Justice, Reliability, Trust

Unity: Belongingness, Connection, Cooperation, Equality, Equity, Inclusivity Synergy, Setting an example

Next, choose to take action to embrace your core values in every aspect of your life. Try practicing one or more of the following:

Advancement: If you haven’t done so already, get your goals down in writing. Make sure that they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Then prioritize them. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? Make sure that you are clear about what you want to achieve. Now create a visual reminder of what you’d like to achieve in the form of a vision board, dream book or a simple picture taped to your bathroom mirror. Whatever you focus on will grow or expand; so focus on what you really want to achieve.

Beauty: Are you satisfied with yourself and the world around you? What can you do about it? Maybe you can do something to keep our planet beautiful. Maybe your action can start right at home by eliminating clutter and creating an environment that allows you to be more productive.

Creativity: What have you always wanted to do but have been putting off because you didn’t have time? What would you do if money were no object? What problem would you solve? What invention or innovation is lurking inside of you? Take some time to think about what you can do and as the Nike advertisement says, “Just do it.”

Giving: Analyze your current level of contribution. Do you give 10% back? Are you helpful and supportive to others? Are there people who can learn from your experiences? Think about what you have to offer and then begin to give freely without expectation of return.

Goodness: Determine what you can offer the world to make it a better place. Eliminate people from your life that don’t line up with your values. Figure out where your values don’t line up with your actions.

Harmony: Look for ways to find balance in your life. Do you need work/life balance? Perhaps you need to focus on your health or maybe you just need to have more fun. If this is the case, what measures can you take now to improve this area of your life?

Joy: Determine what truly satisfies you. Don’t settle for things that aren’t truly fulfilling. Learn how to be content even when you don’t have what you want and appreciate the journey towards your goals.

Knowledge: Find ways to expand your knowledge. Are you growing or standing still? If you have become stagnant, take action today. Practice continuous learning.

Love: Choose to love everyone. Yes this includes your enemies. Don’t expect them to love you back; maybe the will or maybe they won’t. However, your love will transform them in ways you can’t begin imagine. When you give love, it comes back to you exponentially and often from many different directions. When you choose to give unconditional love, that gift transforms lives.

Peace: Figure out how you can make your life more peaceful. Do you need to eliminate some people and things from your life? Can you do something to make the world a more peaceful place? Can you make your work or home environment less chaotic?

Power: Take some time to think about, write about or visualize what makes you powerful. Find ways to strengthen yourself in all area of your life (personal, professional, relationships). Now, make a decision to stand in your own power.

Truth: Analyze your thoughts, words and deeds. Are you being completely honest with yourself and others? Are there areas where you need to be more authentic?

Unity: Look at your relationships and determine how you can cultivate unity in your personal and professional life. Can you do something to unify co-workers, family members or neighbors in your community?

Now that you are clear about your core values, you can begin living your life in alignment with those values. When you feel out of alignment or sense an energy drain, stop and ask yourself a few questions:
Does what I’m doing line up with my core values?
Do the people I associate with share my core values?
Are my decisions based on my core values?

Answers to these questions will allow you to refocus on what’s truly important. Don’t hesitate to eliminate what doesn’t work and embrace what does. Take the time to focus on your core values and you will gain clarity about every aspect of your life.