Which makes it a perfect time to prep ourselves and clean our bodies before we short shorts and swimsuit season.  I have this amazing book called, The Joy of Juicing by Gary Null, and am excited to share on of my favorite cleansing recipes with you! JoyofJuicing

In light of the New Year, I found it suitable to select a juice that is referred to as the “Clean Colon.”  Since I prefer to refrain from the term colon in this piece, we will call it the CC  🙂

To create this CC – below are the necessary ingredients:

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 large pear, cored and quartered

1/2 medium potato

3 large apples, cored and quartered

2 tablespoons of flaxseeds

2 teaspoons psyllium powder

2 ounces aloe vera juice

3 tablespoons raw honey


—  You may be wondering why some of these ingredients are listed as a “CC.”  I wondered why 1/2 a potato is doing in a “CC” and what psyllium powder is..  Well it so happens the potato is there for consistency to gather everything together.  And psyllium powder is a fiber laxative which absorbs water and “swells” in the intestines, which then forms the necessary bulk to allow things to pass on through.  The aloe vera will soothe any inflammations and the rest are for flavor and other nutrients —

We are going to push the blueberries, pear, potato and apples through the juicer.  Then we will grind the flaxseeds with our grinder until they are a very fine powder.  In the blender, we will blend the flaxseeds, psyllium powder, aloe vera concentrate, and honey with the juice mixture.  Serve and enjoy immediately!  🙂

Guuten Appetit!