Another year has come and is ticking away as quick as all the years past. Many people are in the habit of making (and in a few short months breaking) a New Years resolution which is something like: lose weight, get the finances in order, be more caring and kind, read to my kids more. etc. etc. But although you have the best of intentions by making the resolution,  if you stick with it for only a short period of time does it really change you?

Real Change comes from evalutating the value systems you believe in and starting from there. For example if you value time with friends and your social calendar is jam packed, and yet you set a goal of running or hiking and havent involved the social aspect of dragging … I mean inviting a friend along with you, the chances of long term success are pretty small.

Equally, if you are wanting to save money but you have a passion for high price items setting a goal of not shopping might not workout, perhaps purchasing formerly high priced items on a discount through various discount or second hand websites and giving yourself a budget that works in reverse each month  while at the same time trying to replace your shopping habits with other habits such as reading, working out, coffee time with friends etc. etc.

This kinda ties back into my post of living in line with your values, recognizing what is important to you to live a more fulfilled life.  Sometimes that fulfillment requires change – and a lot of it.  I challenge you to think about the resolutions you made in January, the personals goals you have set for yourself, and combine it all with some of the tips I’ve mentioned in previous posts.  First, make sure the goals you are setting are in line with your values.  Two, write them down as manageable, achievable SMART goals.  Then bit by bit, step by step make progress towards the change you need and the fulfillment you seek. Don’t try, or expect, to change everything overnight.  Its those small steps repeated over time.